This picture shown to the right is an Erosion of Seaview Beach in New York. The repeated crashing of waves, throughout the year has caused erosion of the shoreline.
Basically the article I read was about the erosion of beaches in San Francisco. The erosion of the beaches have caused roads by them to close down and are now being forced to try and preserve the beaches. The problem with this is that the East Coast doesn't have as much machinery to nourish or taking sand dredge from the Golden Gate shipping channel and then to dump it on the beaches. The erosion of these beaches is also forcing San Francisco to move their water utility inward because it pumps water and waste water plants at the beaches and drains and treats 150 million of gallons of water from the city's neighborhoods on a wet day. To move this, it would cost billions!
Opinion :
In my opinion, I feel as though as humans would could have saw the erosion of beaches happening years ago. If we saw this coming, then how come we didn't do anything to prevent it. I mean I understand where San Francisco is coming from with the East Coast having more knowledge and machinery to fix the beaches, but why haven't we come up with a plan to save the beaches. If we don't then eventually, they're all going to erode away and destroy cities and towns and roadways nearby.
Questions :
1. Why has it taken us so long to finally realize how the weather effects us now, rather than to take a jump start on the problem and find better solutions to fix it or work around it?
2. Are they also fixing beaches that most people don't use? What is the point of trying to improve something that no one has any interest in visiting to, it's just a waste of money in my opinion.
3. Where do the people who work for the companies that fix the beaches and the water in San Francisco get all this money from the fix them? To move their water utility inward is a lot of money and on top of that the machinery to fix the beaches must be a boat load to. Is there something these people are not telling us?