Monday, September 12, 2011

Hercules, Inc., to Pay $245,521 Civil Penalty for Violations of Clean Air Act’s Leak Detection and Repair Requirements

This picture is of a part of Hercules, Inc. This is a chemical company.

This article was about how Hercules, Inc. violated the Clean Air Acts Leak Detection and repair requirements. They agreed to pay $245,521 to the United States to make up for it. There was a judgement in St. Loius Missouri filed on the 8th. They were using chemicals such as formaldehyde, pentaerythritol, methanol and acetaldehyde which are classified as hazardous. They did not have the technology that allows the company to see when there is a leak which could be harming the environment. Some side effects from this happening are cancer, birth defects, and reproductive health problems.

Opinion/ Reflections:
I was surprised that there was a judgement filed against Hercules, Inc. I was not aware that they had people measuring how much pollution companies produce and they could get fined for that. I believe this is a good idea because it could help reduce the companies carbon footprint. I believe that this will make everyone more aware of their carbon footprint and help theenvironment.

1.) If all companies started being more concious of their carbon footprint would it actually make a difference, or is it already too late?
2.) If this is such an issue, why isn't it something you hear about on a daily basis?
3.) Is there a way to reverse the damage that has already happened due to chemical companies?


  1. This is something we will study toward the end of the semester. Air pollution can cause such major problems, it is surprising they have not done more about this.

  2. When a incorporation is using such harmful chemicals certain precautions should be taken knowing that in fact the environment that we live in is at risk. If they are not 110% sure that the environment will not be harmed in anyway then they should be shut down or find a way around it in order to keep the company going.

    Is there a way to reverse the damage that has already happened due to chemical companies?

    - I am not sure if there is a way to reverse the damage but there is a way to make sure no more damage is done. Companies need to be very careful especially with how the earth is polluted as it is. We all need to step up and help keep the earth we live on clean.

  3. 1) How come if this is such a big problem, this isn't something that is brought up into conversation a lot?

    Can they try to substitute other chemicals and use them so they're not as harmful to the environment if there is a leak or do they have to use strictly THOSE ones?

    If they know there are side effects when there is a leak and they are dangerous, how come they don't jump into repairs right away if they could be they could be the cause of deaths?

  4. This is a similar situation to the BP oil spill in that it is an issue of simple human carelessness. I believe there should definitely be more strict regulations on the maintenance of equipment used with these dangerous substances. Is there a better way than fining companies to enforce issues like this?

    Also, I believe that environmental problems is a very discussed issue. For example, we have an entire class devoted to it! I think the reason we don't hear about is that we're still teenagers. Is the issue discussed more among adults?

    Finally, I think even if there is no way to reverse the damage being done, I think we should do everything to help it. It is still a noble cause. However, what can be done to further environmental progress?
