Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nature and Animal Conservation

The article Nature and Animal conservation basically sums up animals around that world whose population is on the decline. The article mentions tigers, lions, rhinos, polar bears, vultures, penguins, amphibians, monkeys, apes, and other types of primates. Like most global problems have in common humans seem to have a part in this horrible crisis. Poaching and habitat loss are both human related and as the article states, "Tigers continue to face challenges imposed by poaching, retributive killings and habitat loss." we are yet again responsible. Of course there are other reasons for the declining of animals populations, but because of the fact that we are partially responsible it makes me disgusted. Another reason for animals dying is caused by pollution, which also lies in human hands. Animal conservation is becoming more important because of the fact that more animal species are being found. Animals we do not even know about can die off before we have the opportunity to study them because of our own actions. This needs to change and we need to do what we can to change the way animals lives are conserved.

1. Right now, which animal is closest to extinction?
2. If this has been a problem in the world for so long, why haven't we been able to solve the problem. What problems failed and what haven't we tried yet.
3. What can we do as a school to help stop this crisis?


  1. What is inside the bird in that picture? That is very gross. Yes animals are dying off more and more each month. We will talk about biodiversity and its importance in the next unit.

  2. 1) if animals are close to extinction then why don't we set a limit on how much we can poach so that we can still have the oppourtunity to study them?

    I feel that if we know a certain type of animal is coming closer to extinction that we should then bring them to the studies,and keep them enclosed, like forsay a zoo, but not around other animals,so we can continue to study them before they go to extinct.

    3) Are there any other reasons like poaching and air pollution and such that are caused by humans that is the reason these animals are dying? If so, why not make it public and let people know what we are doing to our surroundings so we can stop this and keep the animals alive.

  3. Time magazine did an article on the top ten animals closet to extinction. Looking through the pictures and statistics it is unbelievable how some species are down to only 60 or 70. I think a real effort needs to be put in so we can stop polluting the environment and lower extinction rates for all animals. The top 3 animals from Time are the Javan Rhinoceros with fewer than 60 remaining, the Vaquita (fish) with 200 to 300 remaining, and the Cross River Gorilla with fewer than 300 remaining,29307,1888702_1863781,00.html

  4. One interesting story I have heard about extinction in is the passenger pigeon. The bird was possibly the numerous bird on the entire planet. There were billions and billions of them. their flocks would make the sky black for hours at a time as they flew by. And yet they became extinct, not due to a mass virus but humans hunting them and cutting down forests where they created their nests.

    How could this happen? How could such a huge amount of animals completely be erased from the earth?

  5. One way we can help the problem of extinction as a school is we can raise awareness for the animals becoming extinct. If we raised awareness for extinction then I feel that less people would hunt animals and more people would think about how they impact the environment.
