Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Rectenna To Convert Wasted Energy from Your Microwave Into Electricity

by Jaymi Heimbuch
December 13, 2011
This device converts wasted microwave energy to energy you can use

Summary: The new "Microwave Regenerative Converter is a device that makes use of the energy wasted by your microwave. The product has yet to be released to the market. It will be advertised for everyday household use. The price and usefulness of the product aren't known yet, but it is apparent that the efficiency of the device will vary greatly by different foods and microwaves. This device is a rectenna, a device that has been around for years, but never before has it been used for such a purpose. The device is said to be small and easy to use.

Reflection: This product by itself doesn't seem to be too groundbreaking. How much energy can really be harvested from your microwave? But the idea here is what's interesting. Scientists continue to come up with new ways to create cleaner energy and make things more efficient. While this product is a step in the right direction, I think the only way for it to make a significant impact would be if it were distributed in mass, as in having one on every new microwave, or if it could create energy from multiple appliances. I can connect this article to Diane's one about using bodies as fuel, as they both are unique ways to create alternative energy.

1. Would you buy this for your microwave? Why or why not?
2. How could this idea be improved upon?
3. What are some other ideas for alternative energy that you can think of?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

To avert disaster, protect our natural resources By: Jingkang Gao published: Saturday 1 am July 31st, 2010
The picture shows harmful chemicals being released into the air.

The article i read talks about how our natural resources are being tremendously overused and the effects they have on our environment. He talks about the Marcellus Shale which is a long strip of land that contains approximately 150 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It extends from Ohio and West Virginia to the Catskills. The positive about this is that there is an abundant amount of natural gas for the U.S. to use. The negative is that parts of the shale are located very close to lakes and reservoirs that supply fresh water to NYC and parts of the upper states. Margin for error in these areas is non existent. The slightest mess up could harm many people. The author also talks about the oil spill that recently happened on the Gulf of Mexico and how it is "painfully obvious that we ought to immediately correct our fatally flawed system of living, a system determined to forever abuse seemingly unlimited natural resources." He says that strategic use of these resources could turn out to be disastrous.

I completely agree with a lot of what the author has written. We have been living like the resources we have today will be here forever by wasteful use of them. Also i agree with the dangers that the resources have on our environment. In the article the author talks about searching for "green investments". The damage fracking does to our land and waters, the damage coal's chemicals has on our air as well as natural gas is hurting us. It is important that we preserve these resources but we have to come up with ideas on how to obtain these resources, and use these resources without harming the environment we live in. When the author wrote about the Marcellus Shale it reminded me of the movie we were watching today in class and how contaminated the water is that people have been drinking. This can ultimately become deadly and dangerous to humans that consume. If we cannot get these resources without harming the environment and the people and animals that live in the environment then we are going to have to find other resources that re before we destroy the earth we are living on.


1) Do we have any plans for our future on new resources?
2) When will the Marcellus Shale begin to contaminate the water that we use here in Hatboro and Horhsham?
3) Is there anything like the Marcellus Shale in other countries around the world?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nonrenewable Resources are Running Out

Nonrenewable resources
By Sue Lynn Carty
Article Link:

The picture to the left shows the energry consumption from 2006. The ones that are most consumed are nonrenewable resources.

Summary: Nonrenewable resources are "energy sources that we use and consume faster then nature produces them." It is expected that the natural gas supply will run out within the next 35 years. Because of our ability to easily obtain these sources and get them in mass quantities, we use so much so fast. Eventually, there will be no nonrenewable resources left for us to use. Oil and coal are two major resources used, and are almost none that could replace them easily. Oil and coal are the most common ones, but aluminum, copper, silver, gold, and diamonds are also going to run out in the close future. After being brought to our attention, people started changing their ways to help conserve energy, but as of now these nonrenewable resources are a necessity and there has yet to be another option created for when we run out.

Opinion/ Reflection: I think we need to come up with a backup plan for when we run out because if these are as important as everyone is saying we wont be able to live the same way without them. Hopefully, by the time we run out there will be a better way to use our resources and not waste anything. The pollution it can cause is insane as well. Fossil fuels can release carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and sulfur oxides into the air and some can cause smog. Smog can cause lung irritation, irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, worsen existing respiratory and heart conditions, shortness of breath, and permanent lung damage over time. The burning of fossil fuels can be very dangerous. I believe there needs to be a better way to get energy so we don't put lives and major cities/states at risk. It's scary to think something that is so necessary to the way we live could possibly run out in your lifetime, but something definitely needs to happen before so it doesn't result in a tragedy.

1) If we run out of these resources how big of an impact will it have on us?
2) Is there anyway to create, duplicate, or preserve oil, coal or other major resources?
3) Environmentalists are always talking about how driving less, turning off the lights, solar pannels, and more are helping the use of the nonrenewable resources go down. Does this actually have an effect on how quickly the nonrenewable resources will run out?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Feds: Pay attention to drilling in Pa., elsewhere (No Author Found) Date Displayed : December 7th, 2011

Link of article :

The picture shown here to right is a map of the Marcellus Shale, which has shifted over the years and is now beneath Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and New York. Pennsylvania is the center of Fracking for Natural Gas within these states.

Summary :
This article talks about how Fracking is a huge problem. Environmentalists believe that fracking can poision the water supply, but the natural gas industries have told them other wise that "it's been used safely for several decades." This report was issued Nov 18 and since then nothing has been done about it. It stated that over the summer there had been several meetings discussing the impacts of fracking and that the environmental concerns are not getting enough attention for this problem. Also, it stated that there has been some improvement in areas, but barely any. The summary had also stated that there is a big risk of environmental consequences that could delay or stop the fracking for natural gas. Eventually they believe if we keep this ongoing that the shale gas production will be expanded across the United States and there could be as many as 100,000 wells within the next decade.

Opinion :
I believe that we should cut down on the amounts of Fracking done in Pennsylvania. Here in this state it's a big problem. If this problem gets any bigger than what it is, it could eventually become a problem across the whole country instead of just one area. Personally, I don't want our drinking water to be poisioned and I'm sure others in this state and states around us don't want that either. There is already enough we don't know about our drinking water that has the potentially to kill us, and fracking could just be another factor to add onto it.

Questions :
Have they come up with any other alternative ways for fracking? If so what?

Besides areas on the east coast, are there any other regions within the United States that have a huge Fracking problem or is only here?

How long has the problem been ongoing for and if it's been for long periods of time, why hasn't someone come up with some insightful solution?

Do they expect the Marcellus Shale to shift again? Could if have a negative or positive impact on our region if it does?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Crematorium to Generate Energy from Burned Corpses

Crematorium to Generate Energy from Burned Corpses
by Brian Merchant
December 1, 2011

Picture: This relates to the story because the story is about cremating dead bodies in order to have a renewable source  of energy.

Summary: In the U.K. a crematorium decided to come up with a unique energy source. With all the thermal energy given off while cremating a body, they are turning it into usable energy. They are installing three burners. Two will provide enough energy to power 1,500 televisions. One of the burners will be for to provide heat for the chapel and offices. What inspired them to "go green" was the U.K. efficiency standards.

Reflection: In my opinion, this is a good way to use less of our non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels. It is an unconventional type of alternative energy. Obviously people die all the time, 1.8 people die every second according to yahoo answers, so there's always going to be more corpses to burn and it will always be renewable. I don't think anyone would really like to hear that when they die if they are cremated they are a source of energy, however, you won't really be able to tell if you're dead.

1.) Is there a way for the U.S. to do this?
2.) Is there a way to get more energy out of it?
3.) If U.K. is starting to force everyone to go green and having efficiency standards for industries, does that mean the rest of the world will soon start doing the same?
4.) How can other people use what they do for a living into a good way to help the environment?

P.S. Sorry if this is offensive to anyones religious beliefs, it was the first article I found that didn't bore me =/

Monday, November 7, 2011

Water Pollution

sewer water emptying into our lakes and streams polluting the water.

Major changes in water quality can be caused by volcanoes, storms, earthquakes, etc. they are not responsible for polluting our water. Sewage and farm waste from people are huge problems to why our lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans are so polluted. Industry discharge is also a huge contributer to the pollutants in wastewater such as heavy metals, organic toxins, oils, nutrients, and solids. Also when working on constructions sites runoff can be a major part of why are waters are polluted. We cannot blame nature for pollution. We can only blame ourselves yet again.

Our waters are bad enough as it is and they're still on a decline in sanitary cleanness. Like we've been talking about in school this can easily be preventable just by not throwing a piece of trash on the ground or in the sewer which will eventually end up in the rivers, lakes, and oceans. Dumping oil is also a horrible thing for our environment that's why more auto store need to recycle oil like pep boys does to save money and to save our environment. Pollution is becoming more and more a global problem and we need to help preserve our earth and stay "green" which means just clean up after yourselves, find a trash can, and recycle.

1. Why haven't more stores looked into recycling oil?
2. Why aren't they making the sewers smaller to prevent trash being thrown in them?
3. What are some ideas that communities have come up with to help prevent polluting in their community?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
"Water Canary" Pinpoints Water Problems Using GPS and Crowd-Sourcing written by Jaymi Heimbuch from Clean Technology. July 14, 2011.

Summary: The "Water Canary" is a device used to identify clean, or dirty, water. This is a low budget device designed for people to know the quality of water they're drinking. Also, the Water Canary has a GPS which tracks the source of the water. Although it will help communities not drink contaminated water, it is mostly designed to get an accurate reading on which water sources need help the most. It says the device takes little to no training and no education to understand and use. This device could easily help many lives and rivers if used properly in the next few years.

Opinion/Reflection: I think the "Water Canary" was a great invention and it will help so many people. When communities with a lack of clean water are able to test their sources and realize their water isnt clean, it will help them so much. Also, this device will help locate dirty/contaminated water sources so they can be cleaned in the near future. This low-cost invention is such a helpful way to protect the water in the environment, and people's health.

1. Once a reading is done and the water source proves contaminated what will be done to clean the water?
2. How will these devices be distributed?
3. How are the results shown? (Does it list contaminents or say how contaminated the water is?)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

SF Ocean Beach preservation plan to be shored up

This article was published on Friday March 4th, 2011 by Kelly Zito.

This picture shown to the right is an Erosion of Seaview Beach in New York. The repeated crashing of waves, throughout the year has caused erosion of the shoreline.

Basically the article I read was about the erosion of beaches in San Francisco. The erosion of the beaches have caused roads by them to close down and are now being forced to try and preserve the beaches. The problem with this is that the East Coast doesn't have as much machinery to nourish or taking sand dredge from the Golden Gate shipping channel and then to dump it on the beaches. The erosion of these beaches is also forcing San Francisco to move their water utility inward because it pumps water and waste water plants at the beaches and drains and treats 150 million of gallons of water from the city's neighborhoods on a wet day. To move this, it would cost billions!

Opinion :
In my opinion, I feel as though as humans would could have saw the erosion of beaches happening years ago. If we saw this coming, then how come we didn't do anything to prevent it. I mean I understand where San Francisco is coming from with the East Coast having more knowledge and machinery to fix the beaches, but why haven't we come up with a plan to save the beaches. If we don't then eventually, they're all going to erode away and destroy cities and towns and roadways nearby.

Questions :
1. Why has it taken us so long to finally realize how the weather effects us now, rather than to take a jump start on the problem and find better solutions to fix it or work around it?
2. Are they also fixing beaches that most people don't use? What is the point of trying to improve something that no one has any interest in visiting to, it's just a waste of money in my opinion.
3. Where do the people who work for the companies that fix the beaches and the water in San Francisco get all this money from the fix them? To move their water utility inward is a lot of money and on top of that the machinery to fix the beaches must be a boat load to. Is there something these people are not telling us?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Solar Still Makes Water Purification Easy

Pictured: The Eliodomestico, a simple invention for purifying water

Solar Still Makes Water Purification Easy, Works Like an Upside-down Coffee Maker
by, Alex Davies,, written on 10/26/11

Summary of Article:
Availability and purity of water is an important issue all around the world. In third-world countries, finding clean water for drinking is a daily struggle. According to the article, half of humanity will be threatened by water shortage by 2030. Fortunately, people like Gabriele Diamanti are coming up with creative solutions. Diamanti invented a portable, inexpensive water purifier that doesn't require electricity. It's called the Eliodomestico and it works by using a special top that attracts maximum sunlight all day, purifying up to 5 liters of water a day. Gabriele also put his invention under a Creative Commons license allowing anyone to create and share one freely and legally.

I think this purifier is an incredible invention. It seems to have no downsides; it's cheap, portable, effective, and available for anybody. I can relate to this article because of what we have been learning in class about water availability. While there is much water in the water, only a tiny portion is freshwater, and only a tiny portion of that is drinkable. Water availability in Africa and other poor areas of the world is a big issue, and I think this invention can do a lot to help.

1. How can this invention be distributed in mass to Third World Countries?
2. What else can be done to help the water availability crisis?
3. What are some downsides to this invention?
4. Why isn't water availability a more discussed issue?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Celebrating River Conservation with Gorgeous Photos
by on 10.21.11

Picture: This picture shows the Allagash River. It is protected by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

You hear about pollution all the time, yet you never really hear about how it is being solved. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act preserves certain rivers with outsanding natural and recreational values. It was signed into law in 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson. The act protects over 200 rivers. The rivers are in 39 states and in Puerto Rico. The act does allow for new rivers to be added. Even though 200 rivers seem like a lot of rivers to be protected, that is only 0.35% of all the US rivers.

Opinion/ Reflection:
There is not a big river in Hatboro that is protected. However, there is a creek in Hatboro that is used as a dumping ground. I believe that if the main rivers are anywhere near as bad as this it is an amazing thing to have a conservation act to protect rivers. We've seen how the watere cycle effects life and how much water we need to survive so I believe we should protect as much water as we can.

1.) What else can we do to preserve rivers?
2.) What would be the effect on the environment if all the rivers were protected?
3.) If we do protect all the rivers, could it endanger any wildlife?
4.) If there is a way to protect more rivers, would it involve volunteers being forced to spend their time there or everyone to pay more money?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Major Corporations Contradict GOP By Profiting From Carbon Reduction Projects

This article is from, a popular environmental blog. The article is about how companies are beginning to invest in carbon reduction. For long, environments-saving organizations have been portrayed as "job-killers." The media often shows how environmental protection loses a lot of money. However, high-end companies are beginning to invest in carbon reduction without the incentive of government bonuses. They are beginning to realize that this actually increases efficiency and profit. Still, though, there are people who fight against carbon reduction in factories.

I've always thought that factories should reduce carbon emissions. I realized that doing so would cost the organizations a lot of money, but it still seemed like the right thing to do. But now that companies have found that it actually increases profit, it seems like the only logical thing to do! It doesn't make sense that some corporations and politicians are still fighting against it.

1: Why would a company not invest in carbon reduction?
2: Are there any unseen downsides?
3: Why are some politicians and lobbyists so adamant on making environmentalists look like bad people?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

For sharks, A race to the fin-ish line?

The picture shown here is a shark without a fin, that was found dead on the ocean floor. The reason as to why sharks die without fins is because the sharks no longer have that "swimming motion" and therefor water is not passed through from their gills for oxygen and they die.

The article I read was about how the California Senate had just recently "passed a legislation banning the possession, sale, or trade of shark fins." As the article states, about 73 million sharks are cut a year and their fins are cut off and they are sent back into the ocean to die. Some shark species are now to be considered endangered because of this act and so many are happy this law. Others are not as happy because they make their profits off of the shark fins. This ban can make an impact on California because they have two huge Asian fish markets in which shark fins are eaten here more than any other state. One said that they percent of shark fins caught and eaten by the community is small, as to where most of it is from abroad.

Opinion/Reflection :
I feel as though this issue should be brought up more in other countries or states besides California. Yes I know maybe some sharks people catch are baby sharks and are worth throwing back into the ocean to be dead, but don't they understand that they're doing harm to the community of the animals and also the population of them? It sickens me that humans are a cause of endangered animals because we don't think twice about things like these. We don't go into research about it, we act before we think.

1)Why isn't shark fining brought up a lot in the media if it's such a big problem on the west coast?
2) What are the people that make profits off of the shark fins now going to do since this is now banned to even have possession of them?
3) Besides shark fining, are there any other major problems that us as humans cause to harm the sharks in general to decrease their population?
4) Are they going to eventually pass a law that restricts California from importing shark fins from out of country like Asia?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nature and Animal Conservation

The article Nature and Animal conservation basically sums up animals around that world whose population is on the decline. The article mentions tigers, lions, rhinos, polar bears, vultures, penguins, amphibians, monkeys, apes, and other types of primates. Like most global problems have in common humans seem to have a part in this horrible crisis. Poaching and habitat loss are both human related and as the article states, "Tigers continue to face challenges imposed by poaching, retributive killings and habitat loss." we are yet again responsible. Of course there are other reasons for the declining of animals populations, but because of the fact that we are partially responsible it makes me disgusted. Another reason for animals dying is caused by pollution, which also lies in human hands. Animal conservation is becoming more important because of the fact that more animal species are being found. Animals we do not even know about can die off before we have the opportunity to study them because of our own actions. This needs to change and we need to do what we can to change the way animals lives are conserved.

1. Right now, which animal is closest to extinction?
2. If this has been a problem in the world for so long, why haven't we been able to solve the problem. What problems failed and what haven't we tried yet.
3. What can we do as a school to help stop this crisis?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hercules, Inc., to Pay $245,521 Civil Penalty for Violations of Clean Air Act’s Leak Detection and Repair Requirements

This picture is of a part of Hercules, Inc. This is a chemical company.

This article was about how Hercules, Inc. violated the Clean Air Acts Leak Detection and repair requirements. They agreed to pay $245,521 to the United States to make up for it. There was a judgement in St. Loius Missouri filed on the 8th. They were using chemicals such as formaldehyde, pentaerythritol, methanol and acetaldehyde which are classified as hazardous. They did not have the technology that allows the company to see when there is a leak which could be harming the environment. Some side effects from this happening are cancer, birth defects, and reproductive health problems.

Opinion/ Reflections:
I was surprised that there was a judgement filed against Hercules, Inc. I was not aware that they had people measuring how much pollution companies produce and they could get fined for that. I believe this is a good idea because it could help reduce the companies carbon footprint. I believe that this will make everyone more aware of their carbon footprint and help theenvironment.

1.) If all companies started being more concious of their carbon footprint would it actually make a difference, or is it already too late?
2.) If this is such an issue, why isn't it something you hear about on a daily basis?
3.) Is there a way to reverse the damage that has already happened due to chemical companies?